Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Notre Dame De Paris Belle  Derni�re �dition avant l'an 20    
 2. Rogue Element No title yet  E-dition #1  
 3. Charlotte Moorman, Terry Jennings Piece for Cello and Saxophone  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 4. Charlotte Moorman, Terry Jennings Piece for Cello and Saxophone  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 5. Charlotte Moorman Per Arco  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 6. Charlotte Moorman Duett II  WBAI-FM �Avant Garde Concert III�. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 7. Charlotte Moorman 26'1.499 For a String Player  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 8. Charlotte Moorman Duett II  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 9. Charlotte Moorman 26'1.499  WBAI-FM �Avant Garde Concert III�. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 10. Charlotte Moorman Per Arco (for tape and reactions of a cellist)  WBAI-FM �Avant Garde Concert III�. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 11. Charlotte Moorman Plus-Minus  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 12. Charlotte Moorman Synergy (for Tape and Cello)  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 13. Charlotte Moorman Synergy (for Tape and Cello)  WBAI-FM “Avant Garde Concert III”. Originally broadcast December 12 & 17, 1964. A Recording of the Annual Avant Garde Festival Program of August 30, 1964  
 14. Francis Seyrig Solitude  L'ann�e derni�re � Marienbad  
 15. Beatrice Ardisson Joe le taxi by St�r�o Total  La musique de Paris Derni�re  
 16. Elisa Point, Ed Rolll, Frederic D Oberland Vous d�tes elle et lui  Derni�re adresse parisienne  
 17. Elisa Point, Ed Rolll, Frederic D Oberland Allez reviens Bruxelles  Derni�re adresse parisienne  
 18. Daniel Racine Leon  Avant de partir  
 19. Daniel Racine Braderie-01  Avant de partir V5  
 20. Mylene Farmer Avant Que L'ombre  Avant Que L'ombre   
 21. FlaG Avant La Repress Mix  Avant La Repress Mix  
 22. Mylene Farmer L'amour n'est rien  Avant que l'ombre    
 23. Mylene Farmer Tous Ces Combats  Avant Que L'Ombre   
 24. Mylene Farmer Fuck Them All  Avant Que L'Ombre    
 25. Mylene Farmer Fuck Them All  Avant Que L'Ombre...    
 26. Mylene Farmer L'amour n'est rien  Avant que l'ombre    
 27. Mylene Farmer J'attends  Avant Que L'Ombre...  
 28. Mylene Farmer L’Amour N’est Rien  Avant gue l'ombre...   
 29. Mylene Farmer Fuck Them All  Avant Que L'Ombre    
 30. Mylene Farmer Avant Que L'ombre  Avant Que L'Ombre...    
   1 2 3    »
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